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Reasons You Might Be Losing Your Hair

Updated: Oct 12, 2023

Reasons You Might Be Losing Your Hair

Are you suddenly seeing more hair in the drain and on your hairbrush, your pillow, or your staticky winter coat? It’s normal to lose some hair every day and for hair to get thinner as you get older. But when sudden hair loss becomes noticeable, there might be a reason for it besides your age.

Shedding vs Breakage: What Is the Difference?

The first clue as to whether your hair is falling out at the roots or breaking off is by looking at the length of the hair. Those that are the entire length of your hair are shedding. Shorter pieces that feel brittle are usually breaking out. The causes for each condition are different, as are the solutions. Hair loss typically results from what’s going on inside your body, while breakage is more from what you’re doing on the surface.

Reasons for Hair Loss in Women

Genetics – If you have relatives with hair loss, you may have inherited it. Female-pattern hair loss or androgenetic alopecia is more common than most people think. It affects almost half of women as they age at different levels. Some only have subtle symptoms that aren’t as noticeable. Those who have moderate to severe cases usually have a greater loss of overall volume. Women don’t usually develop bald patches or receding hairlines like those in men with alopecia unless they have high levels of androgens (male hormones.)

Medical Conditions and Medications – Conditions involving the thyroid are some of the most common causes of hair loss in women. These include post-pregnancy, menopause, and hyper or hypothyroidism. Medications for thyroid conditions and birth control pills can also affect the hair follicle. Other medications that can cause hair loss include those used in chemotherapy and those used to treat diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and acne.

Fast Weight Loss – Too often, people resort to fad and restrictive diets to get the weight off quickly. Limiting how much nutritious foods you eat means not getting enough vitamins you need to stay healthy. It also reduces your hair follicles' access to the nutrition and oxygen they need. This results in more hair loss. Fast weight loss can cause a condition called telogen effluvium (TE), which results in temporary hair loss. The good news is that the hair usually grows back within 6 months.

The nutrient deficiencies caused by restrictive dieting can also lead to chronic TE and other types of hair loss such as androgenic alopecia (above). Chronic TE differs from regular TE in that the hair often becomes thin over time rather than suddenly. It might be caused by malnutrition or untreated hypothyroidism. Scalp biopsies may be necessary to diagnose chronic TE.

Vitamin Deficiency – Failing to get enough of certain vitamins in your diet can be the cause of hair loss. One of the most common deficiencies in women is iron. This nutrient plays an essential role in producing protein for hair cells. Iron deficiency or anemia also causes other symptoms such as pale skin, difficulty focusing, and breathlessness.

Another area of concern is vitamin B12. This essential vitamin makes red blood cells that carry oxygen through the body and to your scalp. Once you begin treating the condition, it will take 12 months to fully recover.

Stress or Trauma – Stress can also trigger TE, causing hair follicles to go into a resting phase. Hair can fall out suddenly while combing or washing it. Stress can also cause alopecia areata or spot baldness. Severe stress or trauma causes your immune system to attack the hair follicles leading to hair loss.

Finally, trichotillomania is the sensation of feeling like pulling your hair out due to stress or other negative emotions.

Restoring your hair depends on your ability to get your stress under control. You should also see your doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions that are contributing to hair loss.

Reasons for Hair Breakage in Women

The biggest reason that hair breaks off is that it becomes too dry and brittle. Bleaching, dyeing, perming, and relaxing can dehydrate your hair, along with the daily use of straighteners, curling tongs, and hair dryers. Of these, lightening hair is the most damaging because it uses large volumes of peroxide.

Some women make frequent trips to the salon to ensure their hair looks its best and it stays healthy. They expect the beautician to use the best products for their hair and to advise them when a treatment isn’t right for them. When they fail to meet the standard of a professional, clients often think the beautician is at fault for their hair breakage. That may or may not be true.

One example of salon treatments going wrong is when keratin treatments given at some salons to strengthen hair can actually have the opposite effect. While over-indulging in salon treatments can contribute to hair damage, the way you care for your hair at home plays a bigger role.

Simply washing and brushing your hair too often or too aggressively can also cause damage to your hair., as well as being dishonest with the hairdresser about products you’ve already put on your hair. What clients do to their hair at home can lead to devastating results when they go to the salon.

What Salon Owners Should Know About Negligence and Liability

Every salon owner has a responsibility to their clients to create a safe environment — for example, by recommending the right product or treatment for the client. It also includes advising clients against treatments that could result in an injury. Failing to take every reasonable precaution is negligent. Negligence makes the salon owner liable for any injuries that result.

There are multiple types of salon insurance to help protect owners in case of an injury to their clients. For example, professional indemnity insurance protects salon businesses from the financial costs associated with a lawsuit based on negligence or allegations of poor service.

Public liability insurance is another type of salon insurance that is essential for hair salon owners. It protects them if a client or any other member of the public gets injured due to negligent business actions.

Why Call Salonsure?

There are many types of treatments and services used in salons, each with its own risks. Sometimes it takes custom coverage to protect a salon owner from all of the potential risks in their business. Getting the right combination of coverage will help protect you, your business, and the clients who trust you. Contact Salonsure today online or call 07 3135 7436 to learn more about your options for salon insurance.


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