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Do I Need Insurance as a Freelance Makeup Artist?

Writer: salonsuresalonsure

Updated: Oct 12, 2023

Make up Artist insurance

A makeup artist is someone who applies makeup to other people to change their appearance. Some of these beauty professionals work with actors to enhance their physical appearance or to transform them into something else. Some makeup artists work with models at photo shoots or apply makeup for special events such as weddings and formals. Some retail stores hire makeup artists to help customers choose and apply makeup while many do photo shoots for social media or eCommerce.

While working as a makeup artist is a fun career in any niche, working as a freelancer offers even more versatility. You have the freedom to schedule your own appointments, decide which jobs you want to do, and use your own techniques and products. While a freelancer enjoys more freedom than an employee, they also have more responsibilities.

The Pros and Cons of Working Freelance

Even your dream career is bound to come with some cons — and becoming a freelance makeup artist is no exception. There’s a lot to like about being your own boss. But earning a good reputation and pushing your business forward takes a lot of hard work. If you are considering a career as a makeup artist, these pros and cons will help you decide whether to work as a freelancer.


More Flexibility – Working for a salon or store means you are tied to the schedule and the jobs they give you. As a freelancer, you can focus on jobs in your area of speciality or take on a wide variety. You might even work part-time at a retail store and still work freelance during your free hours. If you don't like working in the early mornings, you have the option to schedule jobs later in the day — at least part of the time!

On the flip side, working for yourself doesn’t mean you can just blow off clients when you don’t feel like working. The competition is stiff in this industry. You want to make a good impression on each client you book for repeat services and referrals to other clients. Once an appointment is booked, make sure you show up on time readily equipped for the job.

Some freelance workers create partnerships with others in their industry to provide support. When they can’t make a booking, the other freelancer can fill in. Make sure that the other freelancer is a certified makeup artist with a good reputation. Talk with the client about the situation and give the option you have available. If the client doesn’t have a backup plan, they will probably appreciate your efforts at sending a replacement.

No Boring Work Schedule – If you hate the idea of getting up at the same time every morning to go to a job where you repeat your routine every day, freelancing could be for you! As a freelance makeup artist, you will go to different jobs where the setting and the people are different from the last. The more niches you work in as a makeup artist, the more interesting your job will be.

The Potential for Higher Profits – The amount and the way that you get paid depends on where you work. If you work in a salon, you might rent your chair and collect your own fees from clients or you might work as a paid employee of the salon.

If you work in a retail store, you will probably get paid an hourly rate. Some stores pay commission for any makeup product you sell. This might be in addition to your salary or as your only source of income.

When you work freelance, you can charge your own rates and keep everything you earn. While you don’t have overhead such as the cost of a salon, you will have to pay for supplies, equipment, transportation, and makeup artist insurance.


You Need to Love Your Work – Of course, this isn’t really a con if you do love makeup. The makeup industry is constantly changing. You need to keep up with new products and techniques, develop your creativity, and keep challenging yourself to increase your skills. Your reputation is everything in this business. Without a passion for makeup, it isn’t easy to get ahead of the competition.

You Can’t Control the Flow of Work – Expect to have slow times when there aren’t as many jobs available, especially when you are just starting out. Any freelance job only pays when you get work. That means you need to be good at money management and always save a percentage for those times when there isn’t much coming in.

Even when you are working, your pay may be slow to come in. Depending on the process, the pay you get from a job you did this week might not be in your account for two or three weeks.

You Need to Stay Organised – If you aren’t blessed with great organisational skills, it can be a problem. Any time you run your own business, you need to keep track of receipts, payments, appointments, and details of every job performed. You need these records to pay your taxes and manage your money. If you can’t handle it on your own, consider investing in a bookkeeping service to do it for you.

You Are Liable if Things Go Wrong – Makeup artists work with a lot of products including makeup, hair colour, salon products, and adhesives. There is always the potential for a client to have a reaction to a product you use. When working freelance, you are liable if your negligence results in a client’s injury or damage to their property.

There are different types of insurance you might need to protect your freelance business. Two of the most common types for freelance makeup artists are:

1. Professional Indemnity Insurance

This insurance coverage protects you against claims of negligence whether the claim is valid or not.

2. Public Liability Insurance

This coverage protects you against claims that a client or their property was damaged while under your consultation or service. You might drop a product on a client’s floor or in the studio, causing damage to the carpet or causing someone to slip and fall.

Call Salonsure for a Quote

Salonsure can help you determine which types of makeup artist insurance you need for your new freelance business. Call us at 07 3135 7536 or get a quick quote online. We’ll help you get the right insurance package to cover any potential liability claim against your business.


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